Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer time

well it is summer and HOT, love the warmth. Just returned to Utah from a lovely trip to Sun Valley Idaho area. Camping in the wilds of the Sawtooth National Forrest and nearly froze. Who would have known that the July 4th weekend would have been so cool. Now it is 90degrees plus.
As for future summer plans: We have some great concerts coming up Brandi Carlisle at Red Butte Gardens Sunday July 11, then my favorite one is July 15th, James Taylor and Carol King together should be wonderful. I love them both.

As for my healthy lifestyle, I have lost 10 lbs since June after starting an exercise program with a personal trainer provided by my employer Selecthealth. We have a beautiful new "Fit Zone" in our new building and convenient to use. My pulmonary function test are good but my allergies suck. My allergies have been so bad I feel as if I have a terminal cold. Apparently my Ige level is 106 and it should be below 30 my RAST 11 test showed I'm allergic to all things in the Rockies including my dog. I'm on three antihistamines plus 3 inhalers so the next step is injections at the infusion clinic of Xolair. A new medication that blocks the Ige and hopefully will cure me for about 1600 bucks a month and multiple needle sticks. Sound like fun? NOT! My insurance still has to approve it but if it works and I can get off all antihistamines, and asthma inhalers it will be worth it.

also to whoever is posting comments from the Asian country I will not approve comments in a language I do not understand. I live in America so English is my language, Spanish or French is also acceptable. Plus I do not known you so why read my blog? I do love Chinese food and worked with some great Chinese docs and nurses but they all wrote in English....I suggest you do the same if you want me to pay attention.

Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying your summer!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Glad you did not freeze to death. If you keep loosing weight you will waste away to nothing----won't it be grand? Love you Miss Nancy