Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer time

well it is summer and HOT, love the warmth. Just returned to Utah from a lovely trip to Sun Valley Idaho area. Camping in the wilds of the Sawtooth National Forrest and nearly froze. Who would have known that the July 4th weekend would have been so cool. Now it is 90degrees plus.
As for future summer plans: We have some great concerts coming up Brandi Carlisle at Red Butte Gardens Sunday July 11, then my favorite one is July 15th, James Taylor and Carol King together should be wonderful. I love them both.

As for my healthy lifestyle, I have lost 10 lbs since June after starting an exercise program with a personal trainer provided by my employer Selecthealth. We have a beautiful new "Fit Zone" in our new building and convenient to use. My pulmonary function test are good but my allergies suck. My allergies have been so bad I feel as if I have a terminal cold. Apparently my Ige level is 106 and it should be below 30 my RAST 11 test showed I'm allergic to all things in the Rockies including my dog. I'm on three antihistamines plus 3 inhalers so the next step is injections at the infusion clinic of Xolair. A new medication that blocks the Ige and hopefully will cure me for about 1600 bucks a month and multiple needle sticks. Sound like fun? NOT! My insurance still has to approve it but if it works and I can get off all antihistamines, and asthma inhalers it will be worth it.

also to whoever is posting comments from the Asian country I will not approve comments in a language I do not understand. I live in America so English is my language, Spanish or French is also acceptable. Plus I do not known you so why read my blog? I do love Chinese food and worked with some great Chinese docs and nurses but they all wrote in English....I suggest you do the same if you want me to pay attention.

Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying your summer!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Update on the Enfinitea

I have been taking the Enfinitea for two months now. I have not noticed any side effects but I also have not noticed any great weight loss. At least the scale does not show it. I lost 15 lbs the first few weeks and some inches. I suspect I have plateaued but last week I gained 2lbs. I have added to my work out lifting weights so maybe it is muscles mass. I guess the best part is it has given me more energy, helped my digestive track, decreased my appetite and made me feel over all healthier. I have also noticed my hair and nails are growing faster and staying healthier. Overall it does improve health but the weight loss is coming form diet and excerise and my body is fighting it every inch and pound. I'm very frustrated with the weight loss and I want to throw in the towel and be fat and happy. I have not binged or eaten really unhealthy food I stick with whole grains no white starches and no junk food. I want to be healthy so I will keep eating healthy and take my Enfinitea.

If anyone would like to order Enfinitea check out....

Ingrediants that make Enfinitea:
Lactobacillus Acidophilus:
Is the most commonly used probiotic or “friendly bacteria”. It is used for replacing the “friendly” bacteria killed by the use of antibiotics among other things. It also helps with digestion, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, chrohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and suppresses disease-causing bacteria. There are far to many “good things” it

Lactibacillus Rhamnosus:
Keeps “yeast cells” under control, therefore, reducing the chances of yeast infections.

Bifidobacterium Lactis:
This blocks the toxic effects of wheat gluten in Celiac patients and promotes a healthy colon! It also works as a “natural” immune system booster.

Bifidobacterium Bifidum:
Another awesome “friendly bacteria” that aids in digestion, fighting off sickness (immune system), lowers allergy risks, lowers high cholesterol risks and promotes anti-tumergenic effects in cases of colon cancer.

Green Tea:
Has been used for centuries to help with headaches, depression, rheumatoid arthritis and cholesterol. Being rich in catechin polyphenols it can kill the growth of some cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.

Red Tea:
High in antioxidants and VERY low in caffeine. This helps with nervous tension, allergies, asthma and dermatological problems.

Black Tea:
Research shows that it helps to cut down on artery clogging, which in turn reduces the chance for heart disease. Also known to prevent and “knock-out” viruses. And like green tea, cuts the risk of cancers also.

White Tea:
Helps the immune system in fighting off viruses and infection causing bacteria. Can also prevent the growth of plaque, the chief cause of dental decay.
Acai Berry:
Acai is used widely for weight loss, increased energy, better digestion, restful sleep, enhanced mental health, stronger immune system, healthier skin, detoxifies and improves circulation.

Gogi berry:
Commonly known as “Wolfberry”, is used to ward off cardiovascular as well as inflammatory and vision related diseases like macular degeneration and glaucoma. The Gogi berry is useful in helping people that suffer with hepatitis and other liver ailments. Some say this berry is the “fountain of youth”.

Konjac Glucomannon:
Is a water soluble dietary fiber, and is used as a emulsifier and thickener in commercial foods. Because it is a soluble fiber, it absorbs water to form a “gel” like mass, which gives the feeling of satiety and fullness but yet travels through the intestines rather quickly, with no know side effects.
Garcinia Cambogia:
The weight loss ability of Garcinia is believed to be that it inhibits the body’s ability to turn carbs to fat, thus leads to an increase of glycogen in the liver which sends a message to the brain indicating satiety and in turn reduces appetite.

A versatile herb used to treat indigestion, stomach aches and liver problems as well as reduce fevers due to the common cold. It invigorates the blood and improves circulation to all parts of the body.

It’s leaves contain a beneficial amount of vitamins A and C and is widely used for treating the eyes. It also boosts the mind, and produces a feeling of calmness, one is able to think clearly and rationally. Also aids in sprains and joint pain.

Baikal Scutellaria:
Has been used for thousands of years as a nerve tonic and for it’s diuretic and sedative properties. This part of Enfinitea is taken in the afternoon, thus the restful sleep.

Dandelion Leaf:
This beauty contains vitamins A, B, C and D, and acts as a blood purifier. It also stimulates urinary function to flush out toxins (diuretic) thus promoting a healthy liver. Also helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Aloe leaf:
Known as the “miracle plant” because of it’s many uses. We all know it for it’s use for many minor burns as well as sunburn. It’s used topically for skin irritations and to prevent infection in sores. Internally, it helps the digestive system and is being studied for it’s potential in treating type ll diabetes and inhibiting tumor growth.

A protein found in most dairy products, (makes up 80% of proteins in milk) helps the maintenance and growth of muscle and increases fat loss not to mention that it’s great for dental health also

Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Greetings

Easter 2010 is celebrated on April 4 at the Chruch we Attend we refer to this day as Ressurection Sunday .
For Christians the week prior to Easter is called Holy week. It begins on Palm Sunday March 28th this year, days of Holy Week include:
March 28th Palm Sunday - Jesus enters Jerusalem.
April 1 Maundy Thursday - The Last Supper and betrayal.
April 2 Good Friday - The arrest, trial, crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus.
For Christians, there is no holiday more important than Easter. Easter is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. He had been crucified and was buried for three days. All his disciples had believed that he was gone for good. None had understood that his sacrifice was the primary purpose of his short life and the only way for us to obtain righteousness and restore our fellowship with God. No man had taken his life. There was no sin in him and no way for Satan to take his life. It was freely given for us all.
That first Easter morning proved beyond any doubt that Jesus was the Messiah. He had told the religious leaders and his disciples that He would give His life and on the third day rise from the grave. The religious authorities had remembered His words and tried to prevent it with a large stone in front of the tomb, a Roman seal and guards. But none of that prevented God's plan for that first Easter. For 40 days after Easter morning, many people were eyewitnesses to the resurrection.

I beleive Jesus is my Lord and Savior and Easter brings me great hope and Joy.

We celebrate Easter in the Spring reminding us of life renewal it coincides with the spring Equinox and Passover. I wish you all a Happy Celebration of life and pray you may find peace in happiness however you believe!

This N That

Well apparently I have a fan who wants an update ,or maybe a stalker?? I do worry it may be one of those crazy teens that were stalking my boy if that is the case you will be blocked. As long as you are friendly with respectful comments all are welcome. I do not tolerate hateful people that feel the need to insult others they have never met. There is too much hate, violence and mean angry people in this world. I want no part of it.
I started blogging to keep track of family and have a little fun with my "Free" Speech. I did not expect anyone to read it but family and friends. I have been very busy between work and home plus I had pneumonia recently. I'm still working on being healthier, my friend talked me into taking a herbal supplement to help with my weight loss. I'm so skeptical about dietary supplements. I'm well aware that the majority of our medicines originated from herbal remedies and there is science behind many but come on, Those magic diet pills have never worked for me just make my heart race and make me feel sick.
Against my better judgement I purchased Kelli's miracle Enfinitea. I was so frustrated with my lack of success with Weight Watchers and exercising that I Had to try something. My doctor told me not to worry about the scale as long as I kept it up. Well I was tired and frustrated so now I have been taking Efinitea, a Health and weight loss system for two weeks and have lost 10 lbs, 6 the first week 4 the next. I bounced back from the pneumonia faster than usual and honestly I feel good, no side effects. It is a Pro biotic based right here in Salt Lake city. Tomorrow I'm going to a meeting to meet the company people and maybe sign up to be a distributor. I have not decided on the distributor bit yet. I don't agree with the multi-level sale schemes and Utah seems to be full of them. We have Nu skin, Mona via, Usana, Noni, Neways we are the capital of pyramids! I swear they all hang out at LDS ward houses and get all the housewife's to sale their products. Here in Utah we take our supplements and abuse our prescription meds but we don't smoke or chew or go with the boys that do! lol
My weight loss is a lifetime battle and I may never win but I want to be healthier and that is my goal. My final judgement on Enfinitea is still to come once I have lost more weight and my liver & kidneys do not fail then I will give you my final opinion. I must always give the disclaimer if you are considering a weight loss program consult with your Doctor prior to beginning.
Happy Trails!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

The holiday is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD. Why do we put so much emphasis on it? Why are those commercial that make us think we need flowers or Jewelry from Jared's? Layne mentioned that most men find the holiday hard to deal with. Honestly if you love me, you love me all year long and I would prefer flowers and love notes periodically through out the year not just one day. When my boys were in Elementary I loved making Valentines day boxes, we had a lot fun being creative and crafty. I'm told by both of them it is hard for them also. In Junior High and High school they sale flowers to deliver to Valentines as a fund raiser. If the boys buy a flower for someone they assume you are "in Love" when you might only be friends and it often can put you in a predicament. In researching the history apparently in the 19th century the U.S. Greeting card industry started making Valentines day cards and it is the biggest money maker for them right behind Christmas. I believe this is why we celebrate it. Capitalism at it's best.
My suggestion if you are in love, show it all year long. Do not wait for Valentines to show appreciation. Do not pressure them for all those Valentines gifts or flowers make it a day to show love to everyone.
Happy Valentines!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

National WEAR RED DAY FEB 5, 2010

Celebrate American Heart Month with The Heart Truth®!

Beginning with National Wear Red Day®—Friday, February 5, 2010—millions will help spread the critical message that "Heart Disease Doesn't Care What You Wear—It's the #1 Killer of Women.®" The Red Dress®, the national symbol for women and heart disease awareness, was created by The Heart Truth® in 2002 to deliver an urgent wakeup call to American women. Everyone can participate in the national movement by wearing their favorite red dress, shirt, tie, or Red Dress

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The New Year

Well we made it through the first month of a new year. Life is still good. I lived to see another birthday on Sunday Jan 31, 2010. I'm thankful God stills thinks I have business to do on this earth and I'm thankful for each day I breath . We have gotten back in touch with many family and friends via the Internet this last month and I'm loving it. Chris is back at School after his winter break and first finals. He is doing well making friends and really becoming an adult. The adjustment of letting him grow up and be on his own is hard on his Dad but I see him relaxing a bit now. Nate is on the Wrestling team at Evergreen Junior high and doing well. It is hard for me to watch him at first but now I'm there cheering him on to hurt the other guy, I guess it brought the animal out in me!
I have been trying to be healthier this year that is my only goal and so far I'm staying on track. I have increased my exercises and I'm eating healthy as of today I have lost the trick is keeping it up so I can continue to be healthy happy and breath. My Asthma has been terrible this year, the air has been the dirtiest int he nation and honestly I want to breath and live until I'm 100, now I'm 49 I guess I have lived almost half my life! I hope the next half I wont be choking and the air will be cleaner.
I will try and keep up the blog and keep in touch....